Thursday, December 23, 2010

Your Parents Support of Your Gay Wedding

Your parents may be thrilled for you when you announce that you’re marrying a person of the same gender, but keep in mind that some parents will freak out. I’ve seen my share of both situations and have talked with numerous couples for whom the parental reaction is a big stressor. One of my clients related:

My mom seemed to be really trying to prepare us for the possibility that my Dad wouldn’t be coming to the wedding. He didn’t talk about it and didn’t acknowledge it at all while we were there this weekend, and when she tries to make plans he says he doesn’t want to talk about it. My take on it is that we will have a beautiful, memorable wedding with or without him, and I’m going to put all my focus and energy into enjoying the rest of our planning and getting excited for the big day.

But this isn’t a chapter about coming out to your parents or dealing with their acceptance or rejection. Chances are you’ve already done that. I’m not here to talk about religion or politics. I’m here to talk about getting your parents excited for your gay wedding!

Some parents have a hard time with the idea of gay marriage, even if they support your relationship. To some, a gay marriage may not seem real because it may not be sanctioned in the state where they live. And if you’re like Jen and I, and some of our clients, the relationship may have been a whirlwind one and the engagement may have come fairly quickly.

Whatever the case, the question is, how do you get your parents excited about your gay wedding? In the coming posts, I'll take you through some helpful hints that really work with your parents!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ring Bearer Bowls - New Wedding Tradition

For those of you who will have ring bearers, and even for those of you who will just have someone else (like an attendant), hold your rings, you should know that ring pillows are passe!

Palomas Nest invented the Ring Bearer Bowl, and it is rapidly becoming a new wedding tradition. I've worked with many same-sex couples who like the bowl because it's both modern and delicate at the same time and because it's reinventing tradition. My colleague Caroline who invented the bowls sent me one as a gift when I mentioned them in my book.

Now, my own ring bearer bowl says 14 after the name of my gay wedding planning company, but most people have ring bearer bowls with their name, their wedding date, a nice phrase like "to have and to hold", "forever yours" or something similar.

How will you be reinventing tradition at your gay wedding?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Survey of Same-Sex Couples

Part of my mission is to eliminate homo- and trans- phobia in the wedding industry -and to eliminate the assumption that there's only one bride or only one groom...

Part of what I do is train wedding vendors -but I need your help! Please take this survey! A randomly selected survey-taker will will a $100 iTunes gift card! This survey will be the largest survey ever conducted of engaged and married same-sex couples.

Please take this survey, share this survey with your friends, and hopefully win a $100 iTunes gift card.

Thanks so much for your help!

Photo by Closed Circle Photography