Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wedding Planning is a Big Team Effort

Planning a wedding is an extraordinary team effort.  In fact, the average wedding has 43 different vendors.  That's a pretty big team. How can you tell if a vendor is the right fit for you?  In addition to the obvious (LGBT-friendliness), pay attention to the following things when you're meeting with them:
  • Does the vendor listen more than talk?
  • Does he or she seem flexible or rigid?
  • Does he or she support your ideas or shoot down your ideas?  
  • Your gut instinct.  Do you just click?
Many of my clients' weddings require vendors to think outside the box and be creative.  Some vendors are always used to doing things the same way every time.  I like to push the envelope - and my clients like that, too.

What do you look for when hiring a wedding vendor?

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